We often let our life slip threw our fingers 1 by 1. We often forget about the memories we had that are good. People may think that nothing good happens in our life, we have no good memories. Well here is the thing, no matter how horrible your life is, their is always someone out their who has a worser life then you. People in the world have absolutly no food or money. tehy lie on the streets in the gutters. Just think for a minute those who have had relatives in the army, navy big organizations like that. Think for a moment about the families that have had relatives die protecting our country for the wonderful citizens of it. If we ever think that our lives are horrible, think about the people of Haiti, New Orleans, those who have suffered tragic times for their country, or city, town whatever. We as Canadians haven't had any real big tradgedies that killed thousands or even millions, yes we do have the army that is risking their lives to protect us, but nothing happened in Canada. When students think "Ugh, another lame assembly" for Rememberance Day, I think of it as remembering the ones that risked their life for us. So if you are in this school next year and we have the rememberance day assembly, just think of it as a tribute to the brave soldiers that risked their life for uus. Even if you are out of the school still take the time to remember the ones who risked their life for you, and not just rememeberance day, yo should take the time to remember the ones around you who have faced worser turmoil in their life, then you have. there is always someone who has a worser life hen you do...remember that.
This was Jessi in...
Remembering Those Around You

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Am I a Who...or The Grinch?
Sorry for my other posts not regarding school, I have been bored on spares and at home so i kinda have been posting other posts on my blog, I ahve a lot of creativity built up in my short outer appearence. I did though make another blog on google blogs so if your bored of seeing my school blog, go to my other school.
Now for today's school post, am I the Grinch or a Who I am a Who.
In the lovely movie that everyone knows about "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" the Grinch hates christmas but the Whos love it.
I am a Who because I love christmas. It does take a bit of time for me to get into the christmas spirit sometimes depending on how I am feeling, and what is going on in my life, will determine how slow or fast I get into the chirstmas spirit. This year it wasen't until one of those good snowfalls we had. I was walking up my lane and I sniffed the air and each season has it's in particular sent that is all similar but their is those little smells that make the season. So when I smelled the air of winter...I knew it was winter and christmas was coming. Now back on topic, I am a Who because they like christmas for multiple reasons some of me reasons are: it is a time to spend with family, it's a time to give, and it's a time for NO school. I love christmas also because of the presents. What you can get depending on whether or not it was store boughten or hand made by a family memeber, it just feels great to recieve gifts. It makes you happy you get the sense that someone cares enough about you to get a gift for you. I also love the family dinners. Turkey, corn all that good food that family makes for this time of the year. The weather, when their is a white christmas I am extremely happy, when their is a green christmas I am happy, and it feels like christmas but it doesn't really feel like christmas. Christmas to me is a joyful time of the year. It is actually one of my favourite holiday's of the year. Also what I like about christmas is I know that when christmas is hear,December 25, I know my birthday is in 15 daysthat's including December 15, so my birthday is January 8. I love the traditions that come with christmas. My family always get's christmas chocolates for the tree, candy canes, and obviously presents. I am the one in the family who organizes all the presents. So I know all the weight of the gifts for my family, I know the quantity of how many gifts my family memebers have, and I have to to figure out what my gifts may be. I also love to decorate the tree. Seeing all the ornaments that my fmaily has brings back ememories, also memories from times with my family. The one year me and my cousins, family friends and siblings where tobggoning on the one field hill near my grandparents house, where cows used to be. I was on one of those saucers that spin when going down a hill, I was one that and their was a fence I think it was an electric fence(luckily it was off...I think) and I was going right for it. It was nearing the end of the hill and to this fence and I knew I was going right threw it, but I ended up ducking my head, and going under the fence instead of threw it. Chistmas is also a time for remembering when the grandchildren in my family including myself, were young and we used to always get a christmas tree togetehr. We were all bundled up and it was just fun. We stopped getting a tree togetehr liek that when my grandmother died on January 15th 2003 or 2004. Also the one christmas their was like this massive snow bank that me and my fmaily would climb on...well not the adults they would be inside.
I like Christmas because it's filled with memories and traditions I love. So that makes me a Who and not the Grinch because I love Christmas.
Now for today's school post, am I the Grinch or a Who I am a Who.
In the lovely movie that everyone knows about "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" the Grinch hates christmas but the Whos love it.
I am a Who because I love christmas. It does take a bit of time for me to get into the christmas spirit sometimes depending on how I am feeling, and what is going on in my life, will determine how slow or fast I get into the chirstmas spirit. This year it wasen't until one of those good snowfalls we had. I was walking up my lane and I sniffed the air and each season has it's in particular sent that is all similar but their is those little smells that make the season. So when I smelled the air of winter...I knew it was winter and christmas was coming. Now back on topic, I am a Who because they like christmas for multiple reasons some of me reasons are: it is a time to spend with family, it's a time to give, and it's a time for NO school. I love christmas also because of the presents. What you can get depending on whether or not it was store boughten or hand made by a family memeber, it just feels great to recieve gifts. It makes you happy you get the sense that someone cares enough about you to get a gift for you. I also love the family dinners. Turkey, corn all that good food that family makes for this time of the year. The weather, when their is a white christmas I am extremely happy, when their is a green christmas I am happy, and it feels like christmas but it doesn't really feel like christmas. Christmas to me is a joyful time of the year. It is actually one of my favourite holiday's of the year. Also what I like about christmas is I know that when christmas is hear,December 25, I know my birthday is in 15 daysthat's including December 15, so my birthday is January 8. I love the traditions that come with christmas. My family always get's christmas chocolates for the tree, candy canes, and obviously presents. I am the one in the family who organizes all the presents. So I know all the weight of the gifts for my family, I know the quantity of how many gifts my family memebers have, and I have to to figure out what my gifts may be. I also love to decorate the tree. Seeing all the ornaments that my fmaily has brings back ememories, also memories from times with my family. The one year me and my cousins, family friends and siblings where tobggoning on the one field hill near my grandparents house, where cows used to be. I was on one of those saucers that spin when going down a hill, I was one that and their was a fence I think it was an electric fence(luckily it was off...I think) and I was going right for it. It was nearing the end of the hill and to this fence and I knew I was going right threw it, but I ended up ducking my head, and going under the fence instead of threw it. Chistmas is also a time for remembering when the grandchildren in my family including myself, were young and we used to always get a christmas tree togetehr. We were all bundled up and it was just fun. We stopped getting a tree togetehr liek that when my grandmother died on January 15th 2003 or 2004. Also the one christmas their was like this massive snow bank that me and my fmaily would climb on...well not the adults they would be inside.
I like Christmas because it's filled with memories and traditions I love. So that makes me a Who and not the Grinch because I love Christmas.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Just a Reminder
I just want to say that I ahve 2 blogs up and running obviously The Scarlet Rose and I have a new blog called The Crystal Star link as followed...
It is just starting up, I am trying to find people to join it, I know many of you I don't really talk to as friends, I talk to you if I have too, but feel free to visit, and follow The Scarlet Rose, and The Crystal Star. For the record I made another blog just because i can okay, not any other reason. I lvoe to blog, it is a fun way to express my feelings for individual things. I know you would like some of my entries If you just took the time to read them. If you are bored of them feel free to suggest a topic I should write about, I am open to any creative ideas.
It is just starting up, I am trying to find people to join it, I know many of you I don't really talk to as friends, I talk to you if I have too, but feel free to visit, and follow The Scarlet Rose, and The Crystal Star. For the record I made another blog just because i can okay, not any other reason. I lvoe to blog, it is a fun way to express my feelings for individual things. I know you would like some of my entries If you just took the time to read them. If you are bored of them feel free to suggest a topic I should write about, I am open to any creative ideas.
Friday, December 3, 2010
My Sister Amy
I am in spare right now, on facebook, and talking to my sister Amy Schieckoff. So what I am going to do is blog about my sister...beware it could get ugly.
For some who may not know that I have a sister, you will guys will learn about her today.
My sister is a year older then me, we were born pretty close together I can't remeber the exact length that was. When I was younger i looked to her as my role model and sometimes I ask her for fashion tips in the present time. My sister's full name ias Amy Kathleen Schieckoff, she works at Mcdonald's and became employee of the month(sssssshhhhhhh...I didn't mention that). Me and my sister used to fight all the time...we would have our little tiffs here and then but nothing major. Me and my sister have just goofed off nights when I can stay up later then my usual school time, and she has work off. We have a blast and we do all kids of things that very from watching a movie together with popcorn, to having a fashion show, with a purple fuzzy blanket as a back drop(pictures are on facebook, don't say anything about any of this to other friends not in this class...or else). Another thing we would do together is when my parents and brother are gone, we would put in one of our ipods into the cd player at our house, and blare it(we live in the country it's okay) Whenever we are together we always have a blast. I always love the time I ahve with my sister. We don't know when it will end. Soon enough, she'll be in college, I'll be in college(eventually...I just have to get a job...grrr so hard to get a job these days) we will start drifting apart. The possible only thing that would bring us together is a family memeber passing away, and it's not the time to catch up. We have to make memories with eachother because you never know what will happen in the future, something can happen that will keep us apart forever. Anyways...This is about my sister..I know there will be more to come I just can't think of anything right now...stay tuned to see what else I post on this blog and others.
This was Jessi in...
My Sister Amy
For some who may not know that I have a sister, you will guys will learn about her today.
My sister is a year older then me, we were born pretty close together I can't remeber the exact length that was. When I was younger i looked to her as my role model and sometimes I ask her for fashion tips in the present time. My sister's full name ias Amy Kathleen Schieckoff, she works at Mcdonald's and became employee of the month(sssssshhhhhhh...I didn't mention that). Me and my sister used to fight all the time...we would have our little tiffs here and then but nothing major. Me and my sister have just goofed off nights when I can stay up later then my usual school time, and she has work off. We have a blast and we do all kids of things that very from watching a movie together with popcorn, to having a fashion show, with a purple fuzzy blanket as a back drop(pictures are on facebook, don't say anything about any of this to other friends not in this class...or else). Another thing we would do together is when my parents and brother are gone, we would put in one of our ipods into the cd player at our house, and blare it(we live in the country it's okay) Whenever we are together we always have a blast. I always love the time I ahve with my sister. We don't know when it will end. Soon enough, she'll be in college, I'll be in college(eventually...I just have to get a job...grrr so hard to get a job these days) we will start drifting apart. The possible only thing that would bring us together is a family memeber passing away, and it's not the time to catch up. We have to make memories with eachother because you never know what will happen in the future, something can happen that will keep us apart forever. Anyways...This is about my sister..I know there will be more to come I just can't think of anything right now...stay tuned to see what else I post on this blog and others.
This was Jessi in...
My Sister Amy
A Teenage Novelist?
I looked at some blog sites but non are extremely appealing, but they are not bland, or full of history stuff. I was looking at different blog sites and I came across a blog that interests me beacuse, person is writing novels the link is as followed...
It is a blog site on our very own google blogs. This person has finished writing a novel, and is writing another, I am actually not sure if it is a novel or somethign else becasue their is like a soundtrack. I will warn you, if you click the link tumblr if you notice it, it will not be veiwable becasue it is not found. The other blog site that is part of this one, which I am understanding the writer went to is as followed...
This site has a lot of information on stuff. This website is interesting because, on the blog it snows, click on it to see what I mean. The creator of this blog ahs pictures so it isn't just all bore, and some things are interesting that has been said. If you read the blogs, I don't think you will be bored like other history learning blogs. I was actually quite amazed that the creator is writing two novels being a teen. Just imagine an unofficial novelist wehn you're a teenager...that is my dream...either that or a poet.
This was Jessi in...
A Teenage Novelist?
It is a blog site on our very own google blogs. This person has finished writing a novel, and is writing another, I am actually not sure if it is a novel or somethign else becasue their is like a soundtrack. I will warn you, if you click the link tumblr if you notice it, it will not be veiwable becasue it is not found. The other blog site that is part of this one, which I am understanding the writer went to is as followed...
This site has a lot of information on stuff. This website is interesting because, on the blog it snows, click on it to see what I mean. The creator of this blog ahs pictures so it isn't just all bore, and some things are interesting that has been said. If you read the blogs, I don't think you will be bored like other history learning blogs. I was actually quite amazed that the creator is writing two novels being a teen. Just imagine an unofficial novelist wehn you're a teenager...that is my dream...either that or a poet.
This was Jessi in...
A Teenage Novelist?
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Letters of Note Blog
If you haven't guessed already, I chose to look at the Letters of Note blog. I did look at the other site, but it was way to complicated, it is an easy way to get information around the world or country, but it has to be easy to read and understand. So I choose to write my blog on Letters of Note.
At first, when I first opened the blog and read the first post I was like "this is soooo boring," but i read on and even thoguh it was still boring it was actually interesting at the same time. I am not much for History or anything like that, but I found this very interetsing. It was like a history lesson in letter form. Each piece of writing I read(I read some fo them) was very interesting, and I learned something, like what time period it was. For example the first post "All ladies like whiskers" I learned that it was in the time period when women didn't have the right to vote. The posts are just an interesting read. I will admit though, the site could be more appealing. I opened it and thought right away "this is going to be a really lame blog. Blogs need to be appealing to get viewers ibnterested, if the makers of this blog want more viewers they have to amke it more appealing, and possibly depending on their targeted audience add more to get that particular audiences target interested.
This Was Jessi in...
Letters to Note Blog
At first, when I first opened the blog and read the first post I was like "this is soooo boring," but i read on and even thoguh it was still boring it was actually interesting at the same time. I am not much for History or anything like that, but I found this very interetsing. It was like a history lesson in letter form. Each piece of writing I read(I read some fo them) was very interesting, and I learned something, like what time period it was. For example the first post "All ladies like whiskers" I learned that it was in the time period when women didn't have the right to vote. The posts are just an interesting read. I will admit though, the site could be more appealing. I opened it and thought right away "this is going to be a really lame blog. Blogs need to be appealing to get viewers ibnterested, if the makers of this blog want more viewers they have to amke it more appealing, and possibly depending on their targeted audience add more to get that particular audiences target interested.
This Was Jessi in...
Letters to Note Blog
Thursday, November 25, 2010
My Crushes
Heylo viewers, so the blog topic today is a crush that I've had, well I will tell you who my crush was in grade 5...
For the longest time I had a crush on this guy, who actually goes to this school today. The crush however is long over, it disappeared at around grade 9 when I saw another guy in my sciecnce class who made me laugh, smile, and feel happy whenever he talked to me. My grade 5 and on, crush was a guy named Cody Clark(not sure if his last name is spelt properly...Thank God he isn't in this class, even though back when I was younger it was obvious that I liked him) He always made me laugh, and smile whenever I was around him the basic feelings of when you are around a guy you like. Actually the one day, and I remember this fondly, I had this donut with sprinkles, and everyone wanted some I said no because well it was my donut, I wanted to eat it, then Cody said how about a piece for your boyfriend. I was like huh, abd I continued eating my donut. Now the crush from grade 9. My crush from grade 9 was a guy named Chad Parsons. Like the others he made me feel really happy, made me smile and laugh, I wanted to ask him out but never got the courage to do so. This crush lasted till grade 10.
I have had others at my time in school and some turned out to be my boyfriend. As I had classmate crushes, I have had Celebrity/Star Crushes.
Don't Judge, but I do believe that some of the male stars in twilight do look rather good, but not all look as good compared to not in character. Example, Edward Cullen is really hot in the movie, but Robert Pattinson is not. I do beleive that Jacob black is rather sexy himself on and off camera. Also Jasper, he looks really good on screen and off, you don't see him much.
I don't think only the male stars on Twilight or sexy, also the male stars on Vampire Diaries, well one in particular...Damen. I was totally gaga over Stephen, but then I went on watching the show and Damen has my vote. Damen is a very sexy guy, he is extremely good looking, I would love to meet him in person, and talk to him, If I did I would be so happy.
Well fellow classmates, this is the little about previous crushes, and current crushes that I had, and have.
This was Jessi in...
My Crushes
For the longest time I had a crush on this guy, who actually goes to this school today. The crush however is long over, it disappeared at around grade 9 when I saw another guy in my sciecnce class who made me laugh, smile, and feel happy whenever he talked to me. My grade 5 and on, crush was a guy named Cody Clark(not sure if his last name is spelt properly...Thank God he isn't in this class, even though back when I was younger it was obvious that I liked him) He always made me laugh, and smile whenever I was around him the basic feelings of when you are around a guy you like. Actually the one day, and I remember this fondly, I had this donut with sprinkles, and everyone wanted some I said no because well it was my donut, I wanted to eat it, then Cody said how about a piece for your boyfriend. I was like huh, abd I continued eating my donut. Now the crush from grade 9. My crush from grade 9 was a guy named Chad Parsons. Like the others he made me feel really happy, made me smile and laugh, I wanted to ask him out but never got the courage to do so. This crush lasted till grade 10.
I have had others at my time in school and some turned out to be my boyfriend. As I had classmate crushes, I have had Celebrity/Star Crushes.
Don't Judge, but I do believe that some of the male stars in twilight do look rather good, but not all look as good compared to not in character. Example, Edward Cullen is really hot in the movie, but Robert Pattinson is not. I do beleive that Jacob black is rather sexy himself on and off camera. Also Jasper, he looks really good on screen and off, you don't see him much.
I don't think only the male stars on Twilight or sexy, also the male stars on Vampire Diaries, well one in particular...Damen. I was totally gaga over Stephen, but then I went on watching the show and Damen has my vote. Damen is a very sexy guy, he is extremely good looking, I would love to meet him in person, and talk to him, If I did I would be so happy.
Well fellow classmates, this is the little about previous crushes, and current crushes that I had, and have.
This was Jessi in...
My Crushes
Friday, November 19, 2010
My Opinion on Poetry
Heylo I am back, I am back to talk about whatever comes to mind, or If some of the lovely bloggers have any sugestions that would be fine too.
I love poetry, it helps when you are having a hard day, whether, angry, sad or even happy, you cna write a poem and it will feeel good to have those feelings expressed somehow.
Today I am going to talk about poetry.
Poetry is a lovely thing
for writer's everywhere
You can express your
true feelings about everything.
Some may write about emotions
Some may write about nature
Some may write about school
Some may write about love
Some may write about hate...
The ideas are infinite...
The length can be...
Poetry is the writing of the soul.
It is what people can see
when they look into your eyes.
Your eyes are the window
to your soul.
Poetry can be...
In my opinion wiht poetry you can be as open as you want...
You can be as emotioonal you want...
You can do anything you want with poetry...
In my opinion you don't have to be officially a poet,
you don't have to go through college
or university and get a certificate saying
"So and So earned the diploma in poetry"
You can be a poet all on your own.
Combinding ideas in your mind
laying them out on paper
then organizing them in poetry form makes you a poet...
and you don't even have to make it in poetry form to be a poem.
What you write makes it a poem, if you just write long lines of words that are express
your feelings,
You're a poet.
If you are writing about nature and how wonderful it is...
You're a poet.
If you write a block of text and you beleive it's a poem that you made...
You're a poet.
If you think you're a poet...then you are.
That was my opinion on poetry
This was Jessi in...
My Opinion of Poetry
I love poetry, it helps when you are having a hard day, whether, angry, sad or even happy, you cna write a poem and it will feeel good to have those feelings expressed somehow.
Today I am going to talk about poetry.
Poetry is a lovely thing
for writer's everywhere
You can express your
true feelings about everything.
Some may write about emotions
Some may write about nature
Some may write about school
Some may write about love
Some may write about hate...
The ideas are infinite...
The length can be...
Poetry is the writing of the soul.
It is what people can see
when they look into your eyes.
Your eyes are the window
to your soul.
Poetry can be...
In my opinion wiht poetry you can be as open as you want...
You can be as emotioonal you want...
You can do anything you want with poetry...
In my opinion you don't have to be officially a poet,
you don't have to go through college
or university and get a certificate saying
"So and So earned the diploma in poetry"
You can be a poet all on your own.
Combinding ideas in your mind
laying them out on paper
then organizing them in poetry form makes you a poet...
and you don't even have to make it in poetry form to be a poem.
What you write makes it a poem, if you just write long lines of words that are express
your feelings,
You're a poet.
If you are writing about nature and how wonderful it is...
You're a poet.
If you write a block of text and you beleive it's a poem that you made...
You're a poet.
If you think you're a poet...then you are.
That was my opinion on poetry
This was Jessi in...
My Opinion of Poetry
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
My Pet Peeve, or in This Case Peeves
We all have them...Pet Peeves, we have them even if we don't know it, we all have something that completely irritates you. For me, my pet peeve would be, people who think they are all that, think thay are the most important thing in the world. Sorry to those that are like that, but I can't stand it at all. I just want to throw them in an area with all the others of their "kind" see if they get annoyed by it, if they do, they know how I feel. Also a pet peeve is the classic fingernails on the chalkboard. That, I just hate when people do that they should be in the pit with the people who think they are all that, with a chalkboard, so they can figure out that that is annoying as hell. I also hate the fact that the school is so fricking crowded this year there is actual traffic jams, all the other years I have been at this school there has never been any actual traffic jams in it...and that's been 3 years, it's my fourth year this year. Also in this school their isn't enough places to eat lunch in the winter, and fall; and their is not enough space to work on computers in here. We can't go to classrooms at lunch, we can barely get on the computers during class because we always well in this case get kicked off in the library and their is just no room in other places basically. I have more Pet Peeves, but I am going to stop because...I already have some I could go on and on but it would end up being a short story...and a short story for me is like 30 pages max, everything exceding that is a novel. :p
This was Jessi in...
Pet Peeves :p
This was Jessi in...
Pet Peeves :p
Friday, November 12, 2010
I Really Hate it When...
I really hate it when...
I am in the middle of focusing, have a steady train of thought and get interrupted, then I forget what I was writing.
I really hate it when...
I am writing a poem or story...then it's suppertime.
I really hate it when...
You are watching a good movie in school...then the bell rings.
I really hate it when...
You are watching a movie in school...and you're really into it, and it's getting to the good part...then the teacher pauses it, or turns it off.
I really hate it when...
You are doing a project a certain way...then you realize that it's the wrong way.
I really hate it when...
You are really into a book...then you get interrupted.
I really hate it when...
You are reading a book for school...
You're almost done it...then...you have to put it down because the lesson has to start.
These are a few of the funny, but true things that I really hate.
This was Jessi in...
I Really Hate it When...
I am in the middle of focusing, have a steady train of thought and get interrupted, then I forget what I was writing.
I really hate it when...
I am writing a poem or story...then it's suppertime.
I really hate it when...
You are watching a good movie in school...then the bell rings.
I really hate it when...
You are watching a movie in school...and you're really into it, and it's getting to the good part...then the teacher pauses it, or turns it off.
I really hate it when...
You are doing a project a certain way...then you realize that it's the wrong way.
I really hate it when...
You are really into a book...then you get interrupted.
I really hate it when...
You are reading a book for school...
You're almost done it...then...you have to put it down because the lesson has to start.
These are a few of the funny, but true things that I really hate.
This was Jessi in...
I Really Hate it When...
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
I Would LIke To Revisit Age...
I would like to revist the age of 4-6 because sometime in between that particlar age I was in kindergarten. Kindergarten was fun, I had such a blast in it. I got along with everyone. When I was in kindergarten I had no worries. Presently I am worrying about college, housing, homework...all kinds of "fun" things like that. I am not entirely sure how I would spend that day. I would eat everything I liked back then, that I don't now. I would drink pop, eat jolly ranchers...and I HAVE to eat chocolate...every childhood revisitation is not complete without eating chocolate(YUMMMMY!!!!) I would totally watch Big Comfy Couch, Pingu and Bananas in Pajamas...All time favourite shows. Actually the other day I was really bored at home and Big Comfy Couch was on, so... I decided I would watch it(Don't Judge Me). I realized what I had put my mom through. The show can be very annoying, I felt sorry for my mom. I would be calling my mom and dad mummy and daddy(I will admit I do that in the present day) I would be calling them that all the time. My sister would be my role model., believe it or not. I loved my sister so much when I was young, now I ask her for some fashion tips and make-up, when I want to wear something like a skirt.
This was Jessi in..
I Would Like Revisit Age...
This was Jessi in..
I Would Like Revisit Age...
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Post Secret
Don't Judge Me...
I always fear a hobo will pop out when I am riding in a car on a road with thick forests with thick canopy's especially at night. He is going to stab me to death, because his friend tried stabbing me by jumping out of corn fields along my laneway, and I was in a vehicle he attacked...and got squished.
:p :p :p :p :p: p :p
I am not messed up, I have messed up fears.
This is Jessi in...
Post Secret
I always fear a hobo will pop out when I am riding in a car on a road with thick forests with thick canopy's especially at night. He is going to stab me to death, because his friend tried stabbing me by jumping out of corn fields along my laneway, and I was in a vehicle he attacked...and got squished.
:p :p :p :p :p: p :p
I am not messed up, I have messed up fears.
This is Jessi in...
Post Secret
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Random 101
You would probably see a lot of random posts just because I want to or for assignments that we can write about anything we want. So today I will talk about the long weekend. Finally a long weekend. I can guess what every student is thinking. A long weekend, YES! no school, we can sleep in, or thanksgiving long weekend finally turkey...*drool*lol(or whatever you have for thanksgiving dinner, depending on who you are). Everyone looks forward to this weekend possibly because it's the first long weekend since the beginning of school. I know a good portion of the school looks forward to holidays...especially Christmas:)
This was Jessi in...
Random 101
This was Jessi in...
Random 101
Monday, September 27, 2010
Should W-O Allow Cellphones in Class?
One of the common phrases I would think said in the classrooms today at our school is "Off and Away". To teachers, it is the policy that is set for cellphone usage in today's society, and the teachers are annoyed when they have to repeat it multiple times. To students it's a rule that students at W-O tend to disobey(I am not makining conclusions about anyone, just saying) because they have gotten so attached to these pieces of technology in the past years of their life. So the question is asked "Should Cellphones be Allowed to be Used in Classes? Teachers at W-O would say no way it's disrespectful to the teacher, and I agree it is disrespectful to teachers, but have you ever thought what is going on in the students head, maybe it keeps nagging at them to check their phones and they can't consentrate on their work because, their is this nagging sensation in their head. With the nagging the students brain would be focused on that so they can't focus on the lesson that is getting taught in the classroom. Trying to resist the urge to check their cellphones actually makes them focus less, because the naging would be in their head. Just think if everyone didn't use their phones, they would be getting nagged in their concious mind, I wonder what's happening with them too, I need my phone, I have to check it, and so on. They couldn't focus on the work. Also with the nagging going on their mind, what if the text or call is something important, and the student is needed right away at home because a family member is going to the hospital, yes they could call the office, but with the office sometimes is really busy and the office couldn't get an urgent call because they were talking to another student's parent about, little Billy Bob has been skipping every class, please talk to your son. If the call is just about a student skipping class vs. a student's grandmother dying, I think the second one is more important. Now with cellphones the news goes directly to the student, no risk of missing the urgent call. I do agree that using the cellphone during dinner is disagreeable, that is one time the cellphone isn't neccesary, It wouldn't hurt to put the phone away at suppertime when you talk with your family. If you put it away at supper you still connect to your family, and that's one of the major issues with phones, you lose loose the connection with your family. Regarding the school classroom, if teachers let students use their phones at appropiate times, they put their phone on their desk, and when the teacher is teaching, they have a quick look but don't reply, knowing they can use their phones at appropiate times, would be easier then trying to hide it, if you get an "important" text and you know you can check it when the time is right, it would be good for you mental health and appropiate.
This was Jessi in...
Should W-O Allow Cellphones in Class?
This was Jessi in...
Should W-O Allow Cellphones in Class?
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Introducing Me
Heylo fellow Writers, My name is Jessica Schieckoff.
A little about myself, I love Englisch, I love to write, to draw, I love to write poetry(I have written a lot of poems we, i think it's a lot). Wait, I don't love poetry, I have a passion for poetry. I use it to express my feelings, hate, anger, happiness. I can pretty much make anything out of poetry, with feeling, emotion and thought in it. I can tell stories with poetry. I chose the title of my blog as The Scarlet Rose because, it is creative and I think it's catchy, and also my favourite colour is green. I took Writer's Craft this year because I want to become a writer when I get out of college. I am looking toward a novelist or if I can make a career out of writing poetry. What makes me get out of bed and face the day is looking forward to seeing my friends. Seeing all the faces that want to see me each day. I look forward to what I can learn each and every day. I look forward to going on the journey of my life, what faults, and good things I do are.
Thank you for reading my blog.
This was Jessi in...
Introducing Me
A little about myself, I love Englisch, I love to write, to draw, I love to write poetry(I have written a lot of poems we, i think it's a lot). Wait, I don't love poetry, I have a passion for poetry. I use it to express my feelings, hate, anger, happiness. I can pretty much make anything out of poetry, with feeling, emotion and thought in it. I can tell stories with poetry. I chose the title of my blog as The Scarlet Rose because, it is creative and I think it's catchy, and also my favourite colour is green. I took Writer's Craft this year because I want to become a writer when I get out of college. I am looking toward a novelist or if I can make a career out of writing poetry. What makes me get out of bed and face the day is looking forward to seeing my friends. Seeing all the faces that want to see me each day. I look forward to what I can learn each and every day. I look forward to going on the journey of my life, what faults, and good things I do are.
Thank you for reading my blog.
This was Jessi in...
Introducing Me
Friday, September 17, 2010
My First Blog
Well, I have started up my own blog it's called the Scarlet Rose, I chose it because I thought it was catchy.
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