Thursday, December 9, 2010

Am I a Who...or The Grinch?

Sorry for my other posts not regarding school, I have been bored on spares and at home so i kinda have been posting other posts on my blog, I ahve a lot of creativity built up in my short outer appearence. I did though make another blog on google blogs so if your bored of seeing my school blog, go to my other school.

Now for today's school post, am I the Grinch or a Who I am a Who.

In the lovely movie that everyone knows about "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" the Grinch hates christmas but the Whos love it.

I am a Who because I love christmas. It does take a bit of time for me to get into the christmas spirit sometimes depending on how I am feeling, and what is going on in my life, will determine how slow or fast I get into the chirstmas spirit. This year it wasen't until one of those good snowfalls we had. I was walking up my lane and I sniffed the air and each season has it's in particular sent that is all similar but their is those little smells that make the season. So when I smelled the air of winter...I knew it was winter and christmas was coming. Now back on topic, I am a Who because they like christmas for multiple reasons some of me reasons are: it is a time to spend with family, it's a time to give, and it's a time for NO school. I love christmas also because of the presents. What you can get depending on whether or not it was store boughten or hand made by a family memeber, it just feels great to recieve gifts. It makes you happy you get the sense that someone cares enough about you to get a gift for you. I also love the family dinners. Turkey, corn all that good food that family makes for this time of the year. The weather, when their is a white christmas I am extremely happy, when their is a green christmas I am happy, and it feels like christmas but it doesn't really feel like christmas. Christmas to me is a joyful time of the year. It is actually one of my favourite holiday's of the year. Also what I like about christmas is I know that when christmas is hear,December 25, I know my birthday is in 15 daysthat's including December 15, so my birthday is January 8. I love the traditions that come with christmas. My family always get's christmas chocolates for the tree, candy canes, and obviously presents. I am the one in the family who organizes all the presents. So I know all the weight of the gifts for my family, I know the quantity of how many gifts my family memebers have, and I have to to figure out what my gifts may be. I also love to decorate the tree. Seeing all the ornaments that my fmaily has brings back ememories, also memories from times with my family. The one year me and my cousins, family friends and siblings where tobggoning  on the one field hill near my grandparents house, where cows used to be. I was on one of those saucers that spin when going down a hill, I was one that and their was a fence I think it was an electric fence(luckily it was off...I think) and I was going right for it. It was nearing the end of the hill and to this fence and I knew I was going right threw it, but I ended up ducking my head, and going under the fence instead of threw it. Chistmas is also a time for remembering when the grandchildren in my family including myself, were young and we used to always get a christmas tree togetehr. We were all bundled up and it was just fun. We stopped getting a tree togetehr liek that when my grandmother died on January 15th 2003 or 2004.  Also the one christmas their was like this massive snow bank that me and my fmaily would climb on...well not the adults they would be inside.

I like Christmas because it's filled with memories and traditions I love. So that makes me a Who and not the Grinch because I love Christmas.

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