Co-Prez, Is it a Popularity Contest...or Not?
Co-Prez, Co-Prez in my opinion is just a big popularity contest. Just think for a minute... think of the candidates of the Co-Prex elections, they are all popular. All the yeaers I have been in this school no one did anything, when I thought someone would do somehting, that person didn't do anything. The election for co-prezes every year is a waste of time. There is absolutly no point into co-prez. All it is is a big fat popularity contest. The people who get elected don't do anything at all, whcih pisses me off. They are elected to help this school, they are elected to do some good in our school, they are elected to make changes in "Crusader Country" the elections are just big popularity contests, the candidates feed us all these lies. They give us these wishes that they can never actually grant us. They tells us these lies, whatever will make us happy. They use what we, as a student body would like, and they manipulate us, to make them more popular. The Co-Prezes this I bet I know who they are, I bet this years co-prezes are going to be Trevor, indefinately and most likely Drew. I want a Co-Prez who will actually help this school, make it better for the ones who are currently here, and future students of this school. This school needs major adjustments. It needs better crowd control in the cafe line, better crowd control in the halls. It needs more computer labs available to students at lunch, not just the library, not just guidence. There is a lot of students in this school, that have homework to do on the computers. This school needs chairs in the assemblies, If the school wants to have us go through a long assembly, at least give us somehting comfortable to sit on. The school needs more places to eat lunch in the winter. The school gets fuller and fuller with students every year, the caf gets packed and packed even more every lunch. It is simpler in the spring because students can go outside but in winter, I mean come on, we don't want to go outside. I could go on and on but I wont. I could even be a co-prez, but then i can't because no one will vote for me I am just not that popular, to even get into the voting round. See what I mean. Students just look at the ballot and see which co-preze candidates that are the most popular, they don't even think about who will hel;p the school, they just think this *I know him/her, she/he is a popular person they will be the best co-prez ever." I am just stating the facts about what is most likely going through persons mind, when they choose the co-prez.
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Co-Prez, Is it a Popularity Contest...or Not?
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